Mini PAL™

Positioning Support for Micro Preemies

Babies of every size deserve cozy, supportive positioning.  Our Mini PAL™ has been specially designed to meet the unique needs of your tiniest patients by providing lightweight positioning support and proprioceptive input.  The silky micro discs inside the Mini conform to each baby’s shape and snuggle against them in just the right way, while the light 6 oz total weight allows it to be used with the ‘legs’ placed over the baby anytime they just need a little ‘more’ .

The Mini PAL:

  • Comes in both washable and wipeable versions (with cloth and disposable cover options)
  • Serves as an “extra set of hands” to provide individualized positioning, even for the tiniest patients
  • Provides support for tubing or medical equipment
  • Useful as an insert in the XS Dandle ROO2 or Dandle ROO Lite to fill in space at the bottom of the pouch so the wings and pouch fit properly
  • Can be placed gently alongside baby with the ‘legs’ laid over the baby’s shoulders, hips or behind the head

Mini PAL Specifications:

  • Light weight of 6 oz.
  • Single bag design that conforms easily
  • Silky micro disc filling