DandlePURE: A Solution That Works for NICU Teams, Infection Control, and Beyond

Understanding Stakeholder Perspectives in Preventing Hospital-Acquired Infections (HAIs)

Preventing hospital-acquired infections (HAIs) is a complex process that involves many stakeholders, including but not limited to:

  • Babies
  • Families
  • Frontline Care Providers
  • Clinical Leaders
  • Infection Control Departments
  • Quality and Safety Departments

Each of these groups has a shared goal: improving the quality of care for every baby. While their priorities may vary slightly, they all aim to protect patient well-being and prevent infections during hospitalization.

When implementing practice changes, such as introducing new products or procedures, it’s essential to stay focused on the ultimate goal: infection prevention and the baby’s overall health and safety. However, effective communication with each stakeholder requires framing the conversation around their unique perspectives. In this edition of the Dandy Blog, we explore how DandlePURE addresses the needs of these groups while contributing to improved patient outcomes.

Babies & Families: Comfort and Safety Above All

For families with hospitalized babies, infection prevention, comfort, and safety are the top priorities. DandlePURE mattresses are designed with all three in mind. Made of viscoelastic memory foam, the mattress gently supports babies, redistributing pressure away from bony prominences, promoting restful sleep, and ensuring comfort in any position.

The mattress meets Safe Sleep recommendations, providing a firm sleep surface while remaining pliable enough to support babies in various sleeping positions. In addition, the advanced technology integrated into the PneumaPure® filter, Safeweld® hermetically sealed seams, and Pureshield™ waterproof fabric guarantees that the mattress remains free from contaminants like bacteria, viruses, and allergens, both inside and out. Parents can rest easy knowing their babies are not only comfortable but also protected from potential harm through improved infection prevention measures.

Frontline Care Providers and Clinical Leaders: Simple, Seamless Protection

As discussed in our previous blog post, successful product and practice improvements should simplify clinical workflows rather than complicate them. DandlePURE mattresses seamlessly integrate into existing processes, offering built-in infection protection for babies without adding extra steps for the care team.

This simplicity also benefits clinical leadership. By avoiding unnecessary workflow changes, DandlePURE helps maintain efficiency while supporting safety goals. Clinical leaders are deeply invested in preventing HAIs and rely on consistent, evidence-based solutions. DandlePURE delivers that certainty by ensuring each mattress is free from internal contaminants, reducing the variability that can contribute to infections.

Consistency in products and practices directly enhances patient safety and improves patient outcomes—goals shared by all clinical teams.

Infection Control and Quality & Safety Departments: Standardizing Care for Better Outcomes

Patient outcomes are the central focus of infection prevention, Infection Control, and Quality and Safety teams. These teams are dedicated to implementing the latest evidence-based products and practices to prevent, identify, and respond to HAIs. They are particularly concerned with standardizing care and reducing variability in the hospital environment.

DandlePURE helps achieve both of these objectives by setting a new standard for what constitutes a “clean” patient bed. With the mattress’s advanced contamination-proof technology, these teams can have greater confidence that it is not contributing to the spread of infections. By reducing variability and improving standardization, DandlePURE supports these departments in their mission to protect patients from harm.

Conclusion: A Unified Goal for Better Patient Care

Though their priorities may differ slightly, all of these stakeholders are united in their commitment to improving patient safety and outcomes. DandlePURE is a solution that meets each group’s unique needs, ensuring that every baby receives the highest standard of care while helping hospitals reduce the risk of infection and improve environmental cleanliness.

Learn more about the Dandle®PURE Neonatal Mattress here!