During this Free Webinar You Will Learn:
At one time or another we have all been a patient or family member of someone who has been in a healthcare setting. As healthcare providers, we come out of that experience with a new and different perspective; we understand the importance of sharing the experience, good and bad, so that meaningful change can take place. Healthcare providers play a critical role in improving the healthcare experience for patients and their families. Right now, improving the patient and family experience is the number one priority of hospital CEO’s. This work is important and deserves our attention; it also requires the engagement and support of strong leaders at every level of the hospital. Lori will talk about the current trends in the perinatal and neonatal sector of healthcare and how improving communication between employees and patients/families and between employees themselves can improve the patient experience and increase employee’s job satisfaction.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify three areas of priority for patient experience
- Discuss the purpose and process for utilizing storytelling for quality improvement initiatives
- Discuss two strategies to support improved communication between families and staff
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Our Speaker:
Lori Gunther, MS, CPXP
Lori Gabriel Gunther, MS, CPXP is the Director of Strategy and Experience, NICU Innovation at the National office of the March of Dimes and President of Virtual Leadership Solutions, LLC. Lori has her BA in psychology and her Masters in Community Counseling. She has previously worked in the fields of victim services and is a nationally recognized expert in the fields of quality improvement, crisis intervention, PTSD, communication skills and she is a certified patient experience professional (CPXP). She has been a National Trainer for over 20 years and oversees the quality assurance and expansion of NICU Innovation for the March of Dimes.