Why you want to attend:
The Extremely Low Birth Weight (ELBW) infant is the highest risk group of neonatal patients for mortality, and morbidities such as infection, chronic lung disease, and long-term neurodevelopmental delays. Overall, survival for the ELBW infant has improved, however rates of improved morbidities have not improved to the same degree.
In this presentation we will review some of the evidence supporting specific care practices for the ELBW infant that demonstrate the importance of the bedside care provider and discuss methods to improve outcomes.
Our Learning Objectives:
- Discuss two Evidence-based Practices (EBP) that your NICU provides ELBW infants; and two that you could provide.
- Describe one nutritional intervention that can prevent growth restriction in ELBW infants.
- List three neuroprotective practices that you or your NICU can implement in to the care you provide to ELBW infants.
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Our Speaker:
Mindy Morris, DNP, CNS, NNP-BC
has worked in neonatal intensive care units for nearly 30 years. Her current role is as a Neonatal Nurse Practitioner and the Coordinator of The Extremely Low Birth Weight Infant Program at CHOC Children’s Hospital in Orange, California. She is a passionate advocate for quality improvement and the implementation of evidence-based practice. She is a faculty member for the Vermont Oxford Network Quality Improvement Collaborative: Optimizing the Care of the Micro-Premature Infant. She is a published author, participates in ongoing clinical research, and is a nationally recognized presenter and consultant.